feelings of failure

美 [ˈfilɪŋz əv ˈfeɪljər]英 [ˈfiːlɪŋz ɒv ˈfeɪljə(r)]
  • 挫败感
feelings of failurefeelings of failure
  1. And if the plans fail to materialise , that could trigger feelings of failure and inadequacy , the charity said .


  2. Criticizing will only destroy a relationship and create feelings of failure .


  3. He desperately wants to confide his feelings of failure in someone .


  4. Feelings of failure and despair .


  5. Feelings of failure , discouragement and injustice flooded my mind during the entire drive home .


  6. The starvation and binge cycle can take an emotional toll that results in feelings of failure and depression .


  7. Try not to believe the negative thoughts , like feelings of failure , that depression causes & such thoughts should ease as depression subsides .


  8. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate , but this can set up dangerous feelings of failure and states of anxiety in the child .


  9. This may be because a marriage is considered a more serious commitment . Of those questioned by the website one in six said they found it hard to deal with the feelings of failure .


  10. In a 2014 study , researchers analyzed dream logs of 331 people and found that many nightmares and bad dreams elicited feelings of failure , worry , confusion , sadness and guilt .


  11. When they do look in the mirror , feelings of discomfort and failure are enhanced .


  12. A " poor fit " may lead to feelings of not belonging , failure , depression , and possibly dropping out altogether .
